Journal Special Issues & Book Editorship 

  1. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2393. International Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Engineering, 27-28 February 2021, Krishnagiri, India.
  2. Data-Driven Optimization of Manufacturing Processes, 2020, IGI-Global, USA. 
  3. Advances in Electronics, Communication and Computing, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 709, 2020, Springer
  4. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2273. International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Renewable Energy, 6-7 December 2019, Sikkim, India.
  5. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 377. International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Renewable Energy, 8-10 December 2017, Sikkim, India.

Journal Editorship

Peer Review

  1. IEEE Access (SCI)
  2. Coatings, MDPI (SCI)
  3. Energies, MDPI (SCI)
  4. Materials, MDPI (SCI)
  5. Processes, MDPI (SCI)
  6. Mathematics, MDPI (SCI)
  7. Measurement, Elsevier (SCI)
  8. Remote Sensing, MDPI (SCI)
  9. Applied Sciences, MDPI (SCI)
  10. Materials Science, Springer (SCI)
  11. Composite Structures, Elsevier (SCI)
  12. Engineering with Computers, Springer (SCI)
  13. Measurement and Control, Sage Publications (SCI)
  14. Latin American Journal of solids and Structures (SCI)
  15. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Hindawi (SCI)
  16. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, TechnoPress (SCI)
  17. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Sage Publications (SCI)
  18. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Elsevier (SCI)
  19. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Springer (SCI)
  20. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Springer (SCI)
  21. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (SCI)
  22. IMechE, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Sage Publications (SCI)
  23. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Springer (SCI)
  24. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer (SCI)
  25. IMechE, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, Sage Publications (SCI)
  26. IMechE, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, Sage Publications (SCI)
  27. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Springer (SCI)
  28. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, World Scientific (SCI)
  29. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mech. Engineering, Springer (SCI)
  30. Int. Journal of Materials Research (formerly Zeitschrift Fuer Metallkunde), De Gruyter (SCI)
  31. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry (SCOPUS)
  32. Physics of Fluids, AIP Publishing (SCOPUS)
  33. CEAS Aeronautical Journal, Springer (SCOPUS)
  34. Cogent Engineering, Taylor & Francis (SCOPUS)
  35. Walailak Journal of Science and Technology (SCOPUS)
  36. International Journal of Heat and Technology (SCOPUS)
  37. Recent Patents on Engineering, Bentham Science (SCOPUS)
  38. Independent Journal of Management & Production (SCOPUS)
  39. Petroleum Science and Technology, Taylor & Francis (SCOPUS)
  40. The Open Civil Engineering Journal, Bentham Science (SCOPUS)
  41. International Journal of Plastics Technology, Springer (SCOPUS)
  42. Journal of Industrial Engineering International, Springer (SCOPUS)
  43. Advances in Materials Research, An International Journal (SCOPUS)
  44. Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, Bentham Science (SCOPUS)
  45. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, Springer (SCOPUS)
  46. Journal of Modelling in Management, Emerald Publishing Limited (SCOPUS)
  47. Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering (SCOPUS)
  48. International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR), IGI-global (SCOPUS)
  49. International Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering (IJAIE), IGI-global (SCOPUS)
  50. Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering (DMAME) (SCOPUS)
  51. International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing (IJAMC), IGI-global (SCOPUS)
  52. International Journal of Applied Evolutionary Computation (IJAEC), IGI-global (SCOPUS)
  53. International Journal of Materials Forming and Machining Processes, IGI-global (SCOPUS)
  54. International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering (IJEOE), IGI-global (SCOPUS)
  55. International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST), IGI-global (SCOPUS)
  56. Int. Journal of Manufacturing, Materials, and Mech. Engg. (IJMMME), IGI-global (SCOPUS)
  57. Int. J. of Surface Engg. and Interdisciplinary Materials Science (IJSEIMS), IGI-global (SCOPUS)
  58. Current Chinese Science (GoogleScholar) (GoogleScholar)
  59. World Journal of Mechanics (GoogleScholar)
  60. Journal of Modern Materials (GoogleScholar)
  61. Advanced Journal of Graduate Research (GoogleScholar)
  62. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mechanics (GoogleScholar)
  63. Sky Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management (GoogleScholar)
  64. Journal of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering (GoogleScholar)
  65. World Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology (GoogleScholar)
  66. REST Journal on Emerging Trends in Modelling and Manufacturing (GoogleScholar)
  67. Int. Conference on Water Resource and Environment (Conference)
  68. Int. Conference on Numerical Modelling in Engineering (Conference)
  69. Int. Conference on Material Strength and Applied Mechanics (Conference)
  70. RSRI Conference on Materials and Computational Intelligence (Conference)
  71. Int. Conference on Mechanical Materials and Renewable Energy (Conference)
  72. Int. Conference on Energy, Materials and Information Technology (Conference)
  73. Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2019) (Conference)
  74. Int. Conference on Mechanical, Material and Aerospace Engineering (2MAE) (Conference)
  75. Int. Conference on Recent Advances in Mech., Materials & Renewable Energy (Conference)
  76. Int. Conference on Advanced Manufacturing and Design Engineering (CAMDE) (Conference)
  77. Int. Conference on Recent Advances in Materials, Mechanical & Civil Engineering (Conference)

Dr. Kanak Kalita
last updated July 2022
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